CF News
We are celebrating John's Birthday on 9th January here at Great Bliss Studio. Since it's a very special birthday this year, he ordered a special bespoke suit and a shirt! BEHOLD!!
Now, we have recorded basic tracks (acoustic guitars and drums) with guide vocal for both 'A Detective Song' and 'Autumn Afternoon' for our forthcoming original album 'Electric Wonderland', however we have to stop the session for a while as we move on to a rather personal art project towards Tibetan Lunar New Year (Losar). We'll probably start working on the session again in February.
In the meantime, enjoy a live version of 'A Detective Song' we recorded for the 4th 'Annual End of Year Rare Live Performance' on 29th December 2023. Also, we updated 'VIDEO' page, so visit the page NOW!!
Lastly, our new single '1994' along with new music video (our 13th self directed/produced music video) from 'Electric Wonderland' is available on Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube and other popular download and streaming sites.
We hope the year 2024 brings you lots of love, peace and joy...!
Love & Peace
Clockwork Flowers
4th 'Annual End of Year Rare Live Performance' 2023

John Bliss Official Birthday Photos 2024
Photo by Anthea Bliss