Recording Sessions


Recording electric guitar

'Colours vol.4 Green' recording sessions 2018

Recording drums

'Colours vol.4 Green' recording sessions 2017

Recording 12 string electric guitar

'Colours vol.4 Green' recording sessions 2017

'Colours' project (vol.1 Red, vol.2 Blue, vol.3 Yellow, vol.4 Green and Colours Unplugged: Black & White) is recording and releasing those unreleased songs written by John Bliss back in the 1980s. John & Anthea as Clockwork Flowers are so proud that they finally completed this 4 year long project (5 mini-albums) to put life back into those hidden/forgotten songs after 3 decades.

Camera test for 'Luminous Spinning Discs' music video

from 'Colours vol.4 Green' at Great Bliss Studio, 2019

Camera test for 'Luminous Spinning Discs' music video

from 'Colours vol.4 Green' at Great Bliss Studio, 2019

Camera test for 'Luminous Spinning Discs' music video

from 'Colours vol.4 Green' at Great Bliss Studio, 2019

A scene from 'Luminous Spinning Discs' music video

from 'Colours vol.4 Green' at Great Bliss Studio, 2019