Dear Friends,
We're celebrating the band's 10th anniversary in 2015. As part of the celebrations, we released our brand new single 'Upside Down'/'Lady Shady' (John Bliss) from CD Baby. iTunes and etc... on June 11th. And to conclude this special year, we have completed a mini-album 'Colours vol.1 Red' which is the 1st volume of a series of 4 mini-albums 'Colours' (vol.1 Red, vol.2 Blue, vol.3 Yellow, vol.4 Green). 'Colours vol.1 Red' will be available on 14th December 2015 from CD Baby, iTunes and etc... So, visit 'SHOP' now! Kicked off the celebrations with excellent review by Jason Barnard from The Strange Brew (UK) (Now, The Strange Brew Podcast ranked third on Google for 'British Rock Podcast'. No 1 is BBC, No 2 is MixCloud...) and the single's first broadcast including our first ever self-interview... talk about 'The Birth of Clockwork Flowers' and beyond... by Ronnie Would from HYDRO RADIO podcast (USA)… Stay tuned!
Also, very happy to announce that we've finished recording and mixing our new original album 'Clockwork Flowers' including two songs 'Moonlight In The Sky' and 'Clockwork Flowers' co-written with British 60's psych legend songwriter/musician Keith Law from Velvett Fogg/Jardine. We started the recording session in October 2013! and finally finished the session in January 2015!! Meanwhile, these two songs were played exclusively on 'Acoustic Nation with Ronnie Would' on WRFA-LP 107.9FM in Jamestown, NY for the first time along with other four songs by Clockwork Flowers on 6th March 2014. Although we're still working on the album to finalise, we just got a brilliant review from The Strange Brew in the UK! Check it out from the link...
Lastly, not to forget that we're really hoping to release - first of all, our Beatles tribute album "FLASHBACK" and an original album "Wonderland" which includes 5 award winning songs… 'Autumn Afternoon' - Gaijin Sounds at Japanzine in 2009, 'Here We Go Round Avebury' - Mike Pinder’s (The Moody Blues) Songwars Songwriting Competition in 2010, 'Good Morning, Lord Kitchener', 'Take Off' and 'The Time' - Mike Pinder's (The Moody Blues) Songwars Songwriting Competition in 2011. We would like to thank Mr. Mike Pinder and his partner Mr. Denny Laine (The Moody Blues/Paul McCartney & Wings) at Songwars as well as everyone who has been supporting us.
Love & Peace,
Clockwork Flowers