CF News
We've been busy working on our forthcoming album 'Assorted Gemstones' including our latest single 'Whatever The Weather' released in July 2020. So far, we have recorded basic tracks for 'Holding On To You' and 'Sour Grapes' and start working on the next two songs will also be included on the album.
Also, we finally decided to create our new website from scratch after 14 years!…the application (iWeb) we've been using since 2006 has become almost impossible to use…you probably noticed that some videos (you can still watch those videos available on Vimeo) and photos are not available at the moment. We've found an application quite similar to iWeb but with more flexibilities. We've already started working but the website includes nearly 150 pages! with lots of videos and photos need to be edited, so it will take a while…in the meantime, you can visit our current website as we keep updating until the new one is available. STAY TUNED…!
Love & Peace
Clockwork Flowers