All photographs by Anthea Bliss
Handkerchieves with logos designed and hand-stitched by Anthea Bliss, Dharamsala, India 1999
Portfolio cover with logos designed and hand-stitched by Anthea Bliss, Dharamsala, India 2002
‘A Day In The Life’ - Poster design (unfinished). Designed and hand-drawn by Anthea Bliss, Dharamsala, India 2001
‘Op Art’ - Design for greeting card. Designed and hand-drawn by Anthea Bliss, Dharamsala, India 2003
‘Ngo Nga Lopda’ logo designed and hand-drawn by Anthea Bliss, Dharamsala, India 1998
Logo design samples. Designed, hand-drawn, painted and hand-stitched by Anthea Bliss, Dharamsala, India 2000-2002
Buttons designed by Anthea Bliss, Tokyo 2017
‘Anthea Bliss Collection’ catalogue. Photograph and design by Anthea Bliss, Tokyo 2011
‘Anthea Bliss Collection’ logo design by Anthea Bliss, Tokyo 2011
‘Anthea Bliss Collection’ gift boxes design and photograph by Anthea Bliss, Tokyo 2011
Logo design by Anthea Bliss, Tokyo 2010
‘The Who’ T-shirt designed by Anthea Bliss Tokyo 2014
Kids T-shirt designed by Anthea Bliss Tokyo 2010
‘Clockwork Flowers’ - Drum logo designed and hand-painted by Anthea Bliss, Tokyo 2017
Logo design by Anthea Bliss, Tokyo 2014